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Quick & Efficient

Web Genius Lab
June 11, 2019
diagnostics, vehicles

Have you ever opened the hood of your car and won­dered what was going on in there? A car engine can look like a big con­fus­ing jum­ble of met­al, tubes and wires to the unini­ti­at­ed. You might want to know what’s going on sim­ply out of curios­i­ty. Or per­haps you are buy­ing a new car, and you hear things like “2.5‑liter incline four” and “tur­bocharged” and “start/stop tech­nol­o­gy.” What does all of that mean? n this arti­cle, we’ll dis­cuss the basic idea behind an engine and then go into detail about how all the pieces fit togeth­er, what can go wrong and how to increase performance.

  • There are dif­fer­ent kinds of inter­nal com­bus­tion engines
  • Diesel engines are one type and gas tur­bine engines are another
  • Each has its own advan­tages and disadvantages
  • The steam engine in old-fash­ioned trains and steam boats

The pur­pose of a gaso­line car engine is to con­vert gaso­line into motion so that your car can move. Cur­rent­ly the eas­i­est way to cre­ate motion from gaso­line is to burn the gaso­line inside an engine. There­fore, a car engine is an inter­nal com­bus­tion engine — com­bus­tion takes place inter­nal­ly. Let’s look at the inter­nal com­bus­tion process in more detail in the next sec­tion. Engines are also clas­si­fied by their size.

The Different Types of Engines

There are of course excep­tions and minute dif­fer­ences among the inter­nal-com­bus­tion engines on the mar­ket. Atkin­son-cycle engines, for exam­ple, change the valve tim­ing to make a more effi­cient but less pow­er­ful engine. Tur­bocharg­ing and super­charg­ing, grouped togeth­er under the forced-induc­tion options, pump addi­tion­al air into the engine, which increas­es the avail­able oxy­gen and thus the amount of fuel that can be burned—resulting in more pow­er when you want it and more effi­cien­cy when you don’t need the pow­er. Diesel engines do all this with­out spark plugs. But no mat­ter the engine, as long as it’s of the inter­nal-com­bus­tion vari­ety, the basics of how it works remain the same. And now you know them.

How Your Cars Engine Work 

In a mul­ti­cylin­der car engine, the indi­vid­ual cylin­ders’ cycles are off­set from each oth­er and even­ly spaced so that the com­bus­tion strokes do not occur simul­ta­ne­ous­ly and so that the engine is as bal­anced and smooth as pos­si­ble. But not all engines are cre­at­ed equal. They come in many shapes and sizes. Most auto­mo­bile engines arrange their cylin­ders in a straight line, such as an inline-four, or com­bine two banks of inline cylin­ders in a vee, as in a V‑6 or a V‑8. Engines are also clas­si­fied by their size, or dis­place­ment, which is the com­bined vol­ume of an engine’s cylinders.

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