Dzemil Hadzic
/ GeschÃĪftsfÞhrer, AutolackiererExpertise:
Planning, StrategyExperience:
15 YearsE-mail:
507-452-1254About Mechanic
Basic vehiÂcle mainÂteÂnance is a funÂdaÂmenÂtal part of a mechanÂicâs work in modÂern indusÂtriÂalÂized counÂtries while in othÂers they are only conÂsultÂed when a vehiÂcle is already showÂing signs of malÂfuncÂtion. PreÂvenÂtaÂtive mainÂteÂnance is also a funÂdaÂmenÂtal part of a mechanÂicâs job, but this is not posÂsiÂble in the case of vehiÂcles that are not regÂuÂlarÂly mainÂtained by a mechanÂic. One misÂunÂderÂstood aspect of preÂvenÂtaÂtive mainÂteÂnance is schedÂuled replaceÂment of varÂiÂous parts, which occurs before failÂure to avoid far more expenÂsive damage.
Because this means that parts are replaced before any probÂlem is observed, many vehiÂcle ownÂers will not underÂstand why the expense is necÂesÂsary. With the rapid advanceÂment in techÂnolÂoÂgy, the mechanÂicâs job has evolved from pureÂly mechanÂiÂcal, to include elecÂtronÂic techÂnolÂoÂgy. Because vehiÂcles today posÂsess comÂplex comÂputÂer and elecÂtronÂic sysÂtems, mechanÂics need to have a broadÂer base of knowlÂedge than in the past.Professional Skills
A strong comÂmitÂment to all health and safeÂty guideÂlines. ConÂduct repairs aimÂing for maxÂiÂmum reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty. TrouÂbleshoot reportÂed probÂlems and resolve them in a timeÂly. PerÂform thorÂough mainÂteÂnance on machinÂery, equipÂment. Clean and apply lubriÂcants to machinÂery comÂpoÂnents. ReplenÂish fluÂids and comÂpoÂnents of engines and machinÂery. A strong comÂmitÂment to all health and safeÂty guideÂlines. ProÂvide conÂsulÂtaÂtion on corÂrect mainÂteÂnance and preÂvenÂtaÂtive meaÂsures to machine or vehiÂcle users. ExcelÂlent knowlÂedge of machinÂery and hydraulic.
Diversity of Expereince
Auto mechanÂics use comÂputÂerÂized diagÂnosÂtic tools to run tests, powÂer tools, and sevÂerÂal more comÂmon tools to do their job. He or she may choose to speÂcialÂize in varÂiÂous areas of auto mechanÂics. ExamÂples include brake repairs, air-conÂdiÂtionÂing (which requires knowlÂedge of govÂernÂment regÂuÂlaÂtions), transÂmisÂsions, or front-end mechanÂics. In genÂerÂal an auto mechanÂic changes, rotates or repairs tires, fixÂes worn brake pads or wheel bearÂings, changes oil, gives tune-ups and comÂpletes inspecÂtions. They norÂmalÂly work full-time and often times work weekÂends plus overÂtime. They are mostÂly employed by priÂvate busiÂnessÂes or are self-employed. The risk of injury or illÂness is highÂer than averÂage in this occuÂpaÂtion due to heavy liftÂing, cuts, burns and othÂer causes.